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Sharpening your brain, by Learning Different Language
Posted on Thursday, June 24, 2004
Do you want to sharpen your brain? Just learn other language as many as possible!!
That's what the study result says. The Study was conducted by Ellen Bialystok for York University taking sample of 104 respondents who was divided into two age groups, 30-59 year-old and 60-88 year-old.
Those two groups were put to a test called Simon Task. It counted the time needed to reacton cognitive tasks given, i.e. identifying which part on the computer screen that display colored box.
The result shows that the adults who have skills on two different languages posess the ability to remember things more quickly, than the ones who speaks only one language. The same results are obtained also from the elderly people group. These two-language-skilled persons shows their brain capacity decline less than one-language-skilled persons. "This is not a talent, but learning new languages has a good effect on your brain capacity!" said Bialystok.
Source: Tempo (Indonesian Edition), 27 June 2004, Page 58. --------------- Aha,.. I just know this.... so it worth for me to learn French al this time yah, huehehehe!
Basically many people in Indonesia has mastered at least two languages, Bahasa Indonesia and their local languages (Javanese, Batak, Sundanese, Papuan,...) but that doesn't mean something yah. However, despite the fact that many people has master both Bahasa Indonesia and English, I think it's good for us to learn other languages.